Innovation | Tradition
Innovation is like a spark that appears after a number of right questions have been asked.
Innovation is a brief glimpse into the future, whereby we can actually visualise what we will invent.
Every innovation starts with a small idea, like the first spark lights up a fire. Ideas are not confined to one location or one mind.
The oldest wooden wheel in the world was found in Slovenia and is about 5,000 years old. It is not known when, where, and who, invented the wheel, but it definitely changed the world forever.
„Hyperbolic Jet propulsion“ – PROPULSION without propeller
The first ship propeller was patented in 1827 by Josef Ressel, his invention was adaptation of Archimedes’ screw for vessels. We have built a hyperbolic cone like trumpet with functional inside spiral. The spiral is creating vortex spin of water. The entering opening is closed by sphere with opening in the middle and three side water cutting blades. We wanted to eliminate the water resistance of an electric motor that looks a bit bulky at classical azimuth thrusters. To create propulsion that will also be able to transfer centrifugal force that is created by spinning in to propulsion and to avoid problems caused by cavitation. In hyperbolic cone we continuously compress water, so the steam cavitation bubble is created in axis of rotation, where nothing could be destroyed by cavitation.
Water is forced toward the end of the cone gaining maximum speed at the outlet opening. The strong jet is also speeding up water surrounding casing, increasing the efficiency (Venturi tube).
“Recuperation of air layer under ship’s hull”
This patent is about thin layer of air under the flat bottom of the hull. System consists of slot nozzle for air supply that is installed at the bow of the shipping vessel. The flat bottom of the vessel is along both sides confined with “L” profiles, preventing the layer of air escaping at the side of the ship.
Air layer floats under the vessel and reduces friction, similar to “air lubrication” system that was developed in Japan, Holland and Norway. In front of the stern air is collected with suction grill and pushed toward the bow and is recirculated like in an “air conveyor”. This is the main advantage comparing with previous solutions. The reuse of air “recuperation” extremely reduces energy needed for creation of air layer.
Ventilating fan in the return line only adds energy that is lost due to resistance in the air return pipeline. Exhaust gases could be added into air layer, reducing grow of algae and other marine organisms on the surface of the ship’s hull. The system can be affordably and quickly installed during regular ship maintenance in dry dock. With algae, fuel and maintenance savings, it is expected that returns on investment will be seen within a few months. Implementing „Hyperbolic Jet propulsion“ and “Recuperation of air layer under hull” would reduce fuel consumption and maintenance costs up to 25-30% compared with today’s costs.
Detachable Glue
A new system for gluing (connecting) parts, using thermoplastic glue. The novelty lies in the fact that parts, once already connected, can subsequently be separated in a controlled way. This advanced technology represents a major advance in glue technology. Benefits include: faster installation (no drying time), the possibility of replacing parts, and simple disassembly for recycling.
Due to energy awareness, the log house industry introduced composite walls – logs with added insulation. That is why we designed AluWood, a thermal insulation product. It consists of a 2cm thick wooden plank that isolates equally as well as 15-20cm of mineral wool. AluWood works on the same principle as a thermos bottle and the isolation used in aeroplanes. There is no heat accumulation or heat transition delay, so AluWood is much better compared to existing insulation in summer months. AluWood can be used for reconstruction work or for new buildings.
Existing ready-made three layer parquets are about 12mm thick. TopWood is a wooden lamella of 2-3mm massive wood without tongue and groove on the side. We simply added a thermoplastic under structure material ‘ReleaseGlue’ that supports the wooden lamella over the entire surface. The product comes ready to install, with glue already applied, so that only the wax paper needs to be removed. Installation is simple – just like sticking big stickers over old, existing floors.
Height adjustment of lamella edges is carried out with an induction tool.
Modern parquets are multifaceted and rarely renewed by sanding. New adhesive ‘ReleaseGlue’ allows replacement of individual damaged lamellas.
High tides are becoming more frequent, often due to global warming.
Sand from shore is washed away into the ocean. Water washes away foundation (pilot) supports, objects collapse and the damage is enormous.
There is a simple solution that can slow down this process.
A special membrane is placed around wooden foundations to retain sand in place, similar to a large flood bag.
The basis of our idea is how to install this membrane in a cost-effective, environmentally-friendly way, without extensive and costly excavations requiring heavy construction machinery.
RoofRaft Japan
as Noah’s Ark
Anti-tsunami sea walls in Japan proved to be insufficient protection. The loss of lives was most tragic. We proposed the idea of constructing roofs for public buildings in a way that would make them safe in case of an earthquake or tsunami. The light shell MasaRoca roof construction can provide a safe, partly open space for outdoor activities for children. This light roof, like a floating raft designed construction, is statically stable (will not collapse) in case of an earthquake and is a safely floating raft in case of a tsunami. These raft roofs could become a safety standard for tsunami areas along the coasts.
)( Corset
The catastrophe at the BP Deep Horizon oil platform in 2010 inspired us to introduce new innovative technology for underwater implosion connection, based on our previous projects, tests and experience.
Our proposal was to reconnect a BOP (blowout preventer) with the new Marine Riser by using special explosive forming technology, which assures a hermetic bond, thus immediately stopping an oil spill. BP relied on old, proven technology – bypass drilling that took almost 3 months. This new technology could have saved them at least 2 months of oil spill.
Automatic Garage
The advantage of the circular automatic parking garage is a parking concept with a two shelf palette system that reduces car access time.
The simple construction profile offers two spaces for parking palettes above each other; the upper palette was designed to occupied, whilst the lower space is for an empty palette.
With each exchange of pallets by using the manipulation device mounted on a rotary platform that is installed on a ramp in the center of garage, there is an exchange of occupied and empty palettes or vice-versa.
When the palette with the car is pushed from the entrance point of the garage, the synchronisation device pushes an empty palette underneath.
Immediately after the car is on the ramp, a new empty palette is available for arriving cars. This system reduces moving parts and additional need for empty palette storage space. This makes for a more reliable, cheaper and much faster garaging system.
CoalFog India 1997
In 1997 there were several large underground coal fires in India. On land above them, problems such as large quantities of smoke and CO2 occurred, and stability of surface soil was so compromised that even railroad accidents happened.
We consulted a private Indian company that had ambitions to enter the coal mine fire control business. In these mining areas there is poor infrastructure, such as electricity, lack of water through most of the year and limited financial resources.
The Tata company installed a compressor station to over-pressure a coal mine on fire with air having reduced oxygen. However the system worked only for a couple of hours per day, when electricity was available.
Our proposal was to use water mist in order to make steam and create over-pressure at hot spots. The method is simple, requires less energy, and a smaller amount of water is used. Clean high pressure piping and proper water filtration must be provided.
Gas Blowout India 1995
In 1995 there was a big gas blowout (flame was 180m high) on India’s East coast. We visited the site and proposed a new technology to extinguish the fire.
We upgraded Red Adair`s existing technology that used only explosive to push combustion air away from the well and proposed a more efficient aerosol bomb. The advantage of this technology is that less explosive is needed, less demolition, a slower and longer lasting blast and much longer time without combustion air around the well.
We added fire suppressing additives that expand with explosion. Each litre of water expands in almost 2 cubic meters of steam and the chemicals in the mixture absorb free radical ionized particles in the flame. Instant liquid evaporation provides local cooling below self-ignition temperature.
FireFly Kuwait 1990
Demolition of the Kuwait oil wells started a big ecological catastrophe. The big challenge was an urgent need to extinguish and control almost 732 ignited wells. In Kuwait there are pressured, self-erupting wells that blow oil and gas by themselves. There are only a few companies around the world that are specialized in this kind of job. The difficulty was logistical; not only fighting the fire but actually controlling the well.
We offered implosion metal forming as a simple technology to attach a new stump onto damaged ‘Christmas tree’ valves.
CoolBomb 1995
Aerosol firefighting was developed and tested for fighting bush fires (vegetation height up to 5m). This is a new tool, and a better weapon, for strategic use as a barrier against fire.
It cannot replace the work of firefighters or fire-fighting aircraft, but it is a technology that opens up new possibilities.
It is ideal for firefighting in Australia, California, the Mediterranean etc., for specific tactical use, because it works in high winds, at night and in cases where conventional methods fail and firefighters are already forced to retreat to safety