
“Air Extinguishing“ system is using low oxygen air mixture of breathable air that is available in big quantity in storing and distribution ductile iron pipes, ready to be released in case of fire. This system doesn’t create »suffocation pockets« of to low oxygen air that would be dangerous for people or animals.

Recent fires

As London Grenfell Tower or Liverpool parking garage and also WTC in NY show as we really need better fire prevention solutions. That will be safe, efficient not expensive, not limited by pumping water high up in cascades to reach top of skyscrapers.

New »AirExtinguishing« system for buildings is an improvement of existing water hydrant network. Basically it utilizes same type of plumbing as water supply network, but uses different extinguishing agent. Low oxygen air is ideal extinguishing agent, because it can be used to extinguish all types of materials, unlike water, that is not suitable for extinguishing of oil, gasoline, light metals, electrical cables, variety of chemicals, data storage banks, electronics etc.


Low oxygen extinguishing method is traditionally used in coal mines, submarines, computer server rooms and aerospace. In previous solutions extinguishing agent was stored in high pressure cylinders or mixed on site by adding nitrogen to air.


“Air Extinguishing“ system is using low oxygen air mixture of breathable air that is available in big quantity in storing and distribution ductile iron pipes, ready to be released in case of fire. This system doesn’t create »suffocation pockets« of to low oxygen air that would be dangerous for people or animals.


System was originally developed for future e-car tunnels. In 3-4 years next generation of capacitors and sodium or potassium batteries will be available on the market, consequently forcing abandonment of water extinguishing. »Air Extinguishing« is also perfect for long train tunnels, subways, shopping malls, museums, galleries, studios, operas, airports, hotels, industry, warehouses, data storage banks, server rooms, hospitals, schools, garages etc.

How it works?

Liquid nitrogen and oxygen are delivered in transport tank, expanded into gaseous state, mixed and used to fill extinguishing agent storage pipeline. Existing sprinkler and ventilation systems are connected to this pipeline. In case of fire detection, extinguishing gas mixture is applied on location of fire. Smoke will be diluted and forced out. Nitrogen atoms will isolate hot surfaces from oxygen atoms and exponential oxidation will be immediately stopped. All the flames will be simultaneously put out. Expanding gas reduces local temperature and cools down hot spots. For network monitoring and determining fire location What3Words global position mesh will be used.


Water damages are significant part of damages in most fire events. »Air Extinguishing« system does not cause water damage, reduces smoke and heat damages and it does not need big pumps and lots of energy for operation, like water mist systems do. It consists of existing building blocks like ductile iron pipes and sprinkler system, common and well-known to contractor`s employees and users.
At any time, even during firefighting, the sprinkler system can be switched back to water with a simple valve switching. Fire is suppressed. Evacuation from facility is safer, less pollution for environment and better conditions for firefighters to work in.

)( Corset

The catastrophe at the BP Deep Horizon oil platform in 2010 inspired us to introduce new innovative technology for underwater implosion connection, based on our previous projects, tests and experience.
Our proposal was to reconnect a BOP (blowout preventer) with the new Marine Riser by using special explosive forming technology, which assures a hermetic bond, thus immediately stopping an oil spill. BP relied on old, proven technology – bypass drilling that took almost 3 months. This new technology could have saved them at least 2 months of oil spill.

Gas Blowout India 1995

In 1995 there was a big gas blowout (flame was 180m high) on India’s East coast. We visited the site and proposed a new technology to extinguish the fire.
We upgraded Red Adair`s existing technology that used only explosive to push combustion air away from the well and proposed a more efficient aerosol bomb. The advantage of this technology is that less explosive is needed, less demolition, a slower and longer lasting blast and much longer time without combustion air around the well.
We added fire suppressing additives that expand with explosion. Each litre of water expands in almost 2 cubic meters of steam and the chemicals in the mixture absorb free radical ionized particles in the flame. Instant liquid evaporation provides local cooling below self-ignition temperature.

FireFly Kuwait 1990

Demolition of the Kuwait oil wells started a big ecological catastrophe. The big challenge was an urgent need to extinguish and control almost 732 ignited wells. In Kuwait there are pressured, self-erupting wells that blow oil and gas by themselves. There are only a few companies around the world that are specialized in this kind of job. The difficulty was logistical; not only fighting the fire but actually controlling the well.
We offered implosion metal forming as a simple technology to attach a new stump onto damaged ‘Christmas tree’ valves.

CoalFog India 1997

In 1997 there were several large underground coal fires in India. On land above them, problems such as large quantities of smoke and CO2 occurred, and stability of surface soil was so compromised that even railroad accidents happened.
We consulted a private Indian company that had ambitions to enter the coal mine fire control business. In these mining areas there is poor infrastructure, such as electricity, lack of water through most of the year and limited financial resources.
The Tata company installed a compressor station to over-pressure a coal mine on fire with air having reduced oxygen. However the system worked only for a couple of hours per day, when electricity was available.
Our proposal was to use water mist in order to make steam and create over-pressure at hot spots. The method is simple, requires less energy, and a smaller amount of water is used. Clean high pressure piping and proper water filtration must be provided.

CoolBomb 1995

Aerosol firefighting was developed and tested for fighting bush fires (vegetation height up to 5m). This is a new tool, and a better weapon, for strategic use as a barrier against fire.
It cannot replace the work of firefighters or fire-fighting aircraft, but it is a technology that opens up new possibilities.
It is ideal for firefighting in Australia, California, the Mediterranean etc., for specific tactical use, because it works in high winds, at night and in cases where conventional methods fail and firefighters are already forced to retreat to safety